Thursday, April 23, 2015

Why the Technology Instructional Coach program in DCPS will fail

DC Public Schools funded 11 Technology Instructional Coaches (TIC) for the 2014 -2015 school year. This represented the first time that DCPS has funded this position in multiple schools.  This move was prompted by the city council and was aimed at helping the District’s children to become more technologically proficient. As standardized testing moved to an online platform, DCPS threw money at a last second, disorganized effort, to catch up with other districts. This program was disorganized from the start, and spent the last year dealing with some serious growing pains. First, the positive, the coaches that were hired are all experts in technology integration and all are already notably accomplished in this arena. All but two were hired from outside the district and a manager was brought in from Arlington, VA. The coaches were quickly frustrated as they learned that the technology integration models that are successfully implemented in other districts were not copied or even considered. DCPS chose to take its already existing Instructional Coach program and tack on the word technology. The existing coaching program aims at providing scripted and overly structured support to teachers mainly in the areas of reading and math.  It is the insistence by a few people at central office, to adhere to this suffocating format that will sink the TIC program. It is set up for failure and already, some talented people are abandoning what is sure to be a sinking ship.
The IC model, as it is written, is geared towards coaches spending many hours a week with a small group of teachers working through scripted plans which are supposed to improve their teaching. The existing ICs focus on one particular subject such as math or small group literacy. Anyone who knows anything about true technology integration should be quick to shout “Technology is not a subject!” True technology integration is present in all aspects of teaching. It is something that is authentic, and often student led. When working with a coach, a teacher is to lay out a specific student data point to be improved. Example: 80% of students will increase their words read per minute by 10 words.  A coach will identify where this skill should be taught, and help the teacher to improve their teaching to achieve this data point increase. The coach and teacher will work on nothing else for a full six weeks. If true technology integration is the goal, the focus can not be that myopic. Tech integration is not a data point, although it can be measured, it is not a program or a teaching method, it is a tool. Let me say that again, technology is a tool.

I recently tried to explain the concept of technology being a tool, and not a content area, to someone, it went something like this: I can hand you a pencil. The pencil is the tool. The pencil will not make you a better speller, although you can now show the teacher you are a better speller. The pencil cannot make you learn math, but it can help you practice your math problems until you can work them successfully. The pencil can be used for math, and reading, and writing. The pencil can help you communicate and progress in school. If everything was verbal before, and now you have pencils, your teaching may look different, but will be better. If I measure usage of the pencil, that will tell me nothing about spelling, only that you used the pencil. A good TIC will give a teacher lots and lots of different kinds of metaphorical pencils. They will help to provide tools to enhance teaching and learning. This can be as simple as sharing a new resource with a teacher, or as complex as helping a teacher figure out that the internet is more than just Google. The goal is not to get teacher simply using technology, but utilizing it to really show measurable growth in student learning.
In ten years, my current second graders will be graduating high school. I can only imagine the world that they will be entering. Whether they choose to go to college, or into the work force, I can be sure of one thing, technology will play a large and important role in their lives. They will need to have the skills to navigate a digital world. The process in which they attend college or focus on a career will be drastically different than it is even now. They need the technology skills to be able to compete in a market where their suburban counterparts have had an iPad since birth. How can DCPS even begin to have its students come close to having the technological skills to be ready for this future world? It is not the current TIC model. The current model focuses only on one skill, with a small group of teachers, for six weeks. This is limiting and does not allow for the rigorous work that needs to be done to close an ever increasing technological achievement gap.

I am a TIC in DCPS. When I attended the first training for this new position, I was handed the same manual that is handed to a coach working in the realms of math or reading. Our next meeting, they forgot to give us a room and told us we could move some boxes and sit in a closet. The manager who was brought in from the successful program in Arlington, VA, was getting increasingly frustrated with the constraints put on the TICs. The TICs were getting frustrated as well. We all had the same goal of student learning, but the path to get there was no twisted, it was preventing us from reaching our destination. The leaders at central office did not understand the true idea of technology integration, that it is a tool. At our most recent meeting we were told that our frustrations, our concerns, and our expertise in this area were, and I quote “not special.” Rather than listen to the decades of experience in the room, rather than listen to the concerns of the experts in this field, even more restraints would be placed on the TIC program next year. The TICs came up with a list of very specific, and reasonable changes that could be immediately implemented at no cost, and would save time and paperwork. They were immediately dismissed without consideration.  Also, instead of a person who had experience in tech integration overseeing the coaches, they would now report to someone who has had zero experience with integration because it would be more convenient.  I was sitting in the meeting with the head of Instructional Coaches, where we pleaded, presented evidence, shared our experience and sang in one voice that this program will fail, unless changes are made. We were told, without explanation that if we would not fit a square peg into a round hole, we should think about finding new employment. We are being set up to fail, and will be blamed for sinking the ship.  Our training, experience and common sense tell us, that this plan is wrong and doomed to not succeed. We were asked to list the accomplishments that we had achieved this year. All of us looked at the list and could not help but noting that we could have done so much more. We were hampered by the confines of a system that is meant for math and reading. The IC program is likened to a bathroom scale. It is a great bathroom scale that works perfectly. However, you are asking us to measure how tall a person is, not how much they weigh. We need the tools and support to build a tape measure, not the blueprints for a functional bathroom scale. I must accuse DCPS of doing what is convenient and familiar instead of listening to experts and doing what is right for the students of DC.

The changes pleaded for by the current TICs are simple and reasonable. First, we would like shorter or more flexible coaching cycles. The current coaching cycles are fixed at six weeks. Throughout the year, we found that we needed longer or shorter time spans to accomplish our goals. We could still be accountable for working with the same number of teachers, at any given time, but this simple and no-cost change would allow us to work with a greater number of teachers, and tackle a greater number of small changes that can account for a huge difference. We asked that the successful coaching models in other states, and they are plentiful, be considered as models for shaping the TIC program in DCPS. The District is late to the game in terms of technology integration, and should not waste time trying to figure out ideal implementation, successful models exist, DC should be learning from them.  Every Instructional Coach in DC is given a pie chart saying how they should spend their time. The TICs asked that some of the percentages on the chart be adjusted for the extra technology repair and planning time that is demanded of them.  The last request was, that the TICs have more frequent and meaningful collaborative planning and professional development time. Again, all of these changes cost DCPS absolutely nothing. They simply require the head of the Instructional Coaching Program to be willing to admit that the integration of technology in the District does not fit perfectly within an already existing system.  By trapping technology in this system, the District’s children are being cheated out of the technological skills that they will need to become the citizens that DC deserves.