Friday, November 8, 2013

Listening for Literacy Year Two!

Listening for Literacy Update. Year 2!

We are pleased to announce the start of the second year of Listening for Literacy! This innovative program started last year with a small amount of money a large dreams. After having guided thirty students through the program last year, we are expanding to fifty. We have held a few parent meeting to launch the program. There were a few notable moments at the parent meetings that I would like to share.

The first is a few questions that we got from parents who students would be participating for the second year. A parent first asked questions to clarify how students were chosen for the program. She then asked if her other child would be able to participate. I work with the other child and tried to explain that we had selected students whom we deemed most in need. She then asked if she purchased all the equipment, could her son participate. We were so incredibly flattered! It was slightly heartbreaking to explain that there is more than money and equipment invested. The man hours alone, are donated by the teachers, and prove to be exhausting. But the idea that her daughter was so successful using this program, that she was willing to do whatever it took to get her son in the program, was such a vote of confidence.

During the parent meetings we projected up on a screen some of the material that would be on the new video MP3 players. As sight words flashed across the screen the parents were reading along. This may not seem very impressive, adults reading second grade words, but it is! These parents are not English speakers. They come everyday to an English class at the school. A year ago many of them could not say “hello” in English, and they were reading sight words! As their proficiency in English grows, so will their students’.

Listening for Literacy is also representing the inaugural blog post in the DCPS Educator Portal. They are launching a new teacher blog and I am proud to have written the inaugural post about our program. 

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