Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Advice for my sisters, upon their graduation

My younger sister posted an article on Facebook. Something along the lines of "Advice to 20 year old me, from 30 year old me." I am in my 30s and decided that it was time that I impart my wisdom upon my sisters, both of whom are graduating this year. So here it is:

  - Take the corporate job. You may hate it, but learn what it is like to have a real paycheck, and work. You will probably quit, but you will love your next job so much more. Plus you will learn to speak in acronyms, it is like a whole other language.

 - I do want to, now, travel in style, but also wish I would have gone more places when I didn't care if I slept in a room with 20 other people, so do both.

 -Don't be late. It is rude. It makes you look bad, and it is a waste of time. Punctuality Matters. 

 - No matter where you live, find a good Thai Food place, Coffee place, and a place to get dessert. These are a must for any decent neighborhood. Find them before you decide what apartment to rent.

 - Try things, just because you found a Groupon. 

- Have high thread count sheets and wash them often. There is no excuse not to get a good night's sleep. Invest in good pillows, you will not regret it.

 - Find a work friend who you can go to Happy Hour with and complain about work. If you bottle it up, you will explode. Think of it as therapy. 

-If you want to be single, be single. If you want to be in a relationship, find a good one. Don't feel pressured for either. 

- Make weekend brunch a priority.

- Always have an updated resume and probably some swanky business cards, even if you made them yourself. 

-Live in a big city, at least once, at least for a year. If you hate it, then leave, but at least you will know what it is like to not have to drive anywhere, and get any kind of food delivered at any hour.

 I am sure I have more life altering advice, but that is it for now, from someone in their 30s, to someone in their 20s.